Become a Relationship Builder

Become a Relationship Builder

People like doing business with those people they enjoy. They are more likely to make concessions to them. The bottom line is that you can get more of what you want by making prospects feel comfortable. When people like each other, the details rarely get in the way. When people don't like each other, details are likely to become insurmountable obstacles.
 - James Henning

The well-known investor, Warren Buffett, has three qualifications for judging his investment opportunities. He never invests with anyone he doesn't trust, respect, and like - regardless of how good the numbers look.
How many times have you heard it said, "When all things are equal, prospects have a strong tendency to buy from individuals they trust and like best"? This is easily understood. The interesting thing is this: In this age of relationship marketing, should things not be equal, prospects show the same tendency. Like Mr. Buffett, they still tend to buy from salespeople they trust, respect, and like.
Relationship building is a learned skill. When you build relationships to provide added value to your prospects/clients, you will find you have gained a competitive edge. Never build relationships just to make a sale. It boils down to forming ten simple, relationship-building habits.  
  • Use prospects' preferred names. A very simple habit, but one you'll see violated often.
  • Show up on time. Being punctual shows you care. 
  • Compliment appearances. This indicates you are alert and paying attention. 
  • Make prospects look smart. Build confidence in prospects. 
  • Recognize achievements. Sending congratulatory notes is a profitable use of time. 
  • Do something nice for some member of prospects' families. This is a sure way to get close to your prospects. 
  • Point to possessions in which prospects have pride. Again, this demonstrates that you pay attention. 
  • Give prospects business. Giving them leads or sending them information that might be helpful to them wins prospects over. 
  • Say "please" and "thank you." Simple, but powerful relationship-building words. 
  • Do what you say you're going to do. Treat commitments made as debts yet to be paid.
These ten simple habits seem rather obvious. However, the failure to observe them is probably the single biggest cause of loss of credibility in relationships with others. Successful salespeople have successful habits -- develop these ten relationship-building habits.
Again, never build relationships just to make a sale. Build relationships to provide added value and service to prospects and clients.
Wade H. Abed LTA - Senior Vice PresidentCoreTitle, LLC.

Sources: KBI, Google, Warren Buffett, James Henning


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