Do It . . . And Then Some! CORETITLE, LLC.

CoreTitle Announces Appointment of Senior Title Executive as Florida’s Senior Vice President

-CoreTitle has expanded to three new states and eight new offices in just seven years

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA Release: September 13, 2018- CoreTitle LLC, an innovative and rapidly growing Title Insurance company announced today that Business Consultant, Entrepreneur and Senior Title Executive, Wade Abed will join CoreTitle’s Florida division as Senior Vice President. This marks CoreTitle’s first major appointment since the company’s expansion into Florida. The company’s approach to a premier settlement experience in a boutique style office setting has caused a major disruption in the title industry. The forward thinking executive team has taken leaps forward in modernizing an antiquated industry.

“The culture of a company is everything if you have the expertise and systems in place. I believe in people and that the client sets the standard” –Wade Abed.

New Perspective, Established Experience

Wade is renowned for building and aligning executive, management and sales teams for success; mergers and acquisitions; building productivity through technology and process optimization. His extensive 25 year background in mortgage banking, title & escrow settlement services, and financial services has given Wade the unique ability to leverage his depth of business knowledge to motivate, educate and inspire entrepreneurs to achieve a higher level of success, professionally and personally.

About CoreTitle 

Core was forcoretitle.commed by the idea that real estate settlements should be a celebrated experience. The company’s entire focus is ensuring a unique, memorable, and exciting closing for new homeowners. From having catered breakfast & lunch to having onsite entertainment & vendors to displaying their client’s photos & new homes on their impressive digital welcome display, Core has consistently found ways to create an experience that is unlike anything that currently exists. The Core vision promotes the evolution of the real estate experience in a transitioning industry.
Core offers services such as Traditional Sales, Commercial Trades, Refinances & Equity Lines, Attorney Services, Reverse Mortgages, Short Sales, Notary Services and more. Their service model of “single point of communication” ensures a seamless process. Every order received is assigned to one of their transaction coordinators who will manage all communications from all involved parties until it is time for closing. This approach has streamlined efficiency, greatly reducing delays and expediting settlement times.
Media Contact Karlie Alecxih 856.422.4608 hashtagwhatyouexpectiswhatyouget hashtagtitleinsurance hashtagrealestate hashtagfloridatitlecompany hashtagrealtors hashtagchange


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